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Limestone, Steel Anhui, China W: 15.0" D: 15.0" H: 23.5"
Root Shanxi, China W: 12.0" D: 9.5" H: 9.5"
Blackwood Shanxi, China W: 11.75" D: 5.5" H: 0.75"
Northern Elmwood, Lacquer China W: 35.0" D: 23.0" H: 38.0"

In the Scholars' Studio

The Qing-dynasty scholar-official filled his studio with beautiful objects to inspire creativity and intellectual curiosity. Whether the tools of calligraphy or an etagere of porcelains and meditation stones, every addition to the studio was an expression of aesthetic taste.

Cypress Shanxi, China W: 9.5" D: 7.5" H: 7.75"
Burled Brush Pot
Limestone, Bronze China and Thailand W: 14.75" D: 10.0" H: 20.5"
Northern Elmwood China H: 12.5" Dia: 11.25"
Poetry Scroll Pot
Stone China W: 6.0" D: 4.25" H: 0.75"
Porcelain Beijing, China H: 7.75" Dia: 8.0"
Cypress Shanxi, China W: 8.0" D: 7.5" H: 11.0"
Burled Brush Pot
Northern Elmwood, Pine China W: 71.75" D: 25.5" H: 94.0"
Materials, Stone, Steel Jiangsu, China W: 14.5" D: 9.0" H: 20.0"

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