Celestial Dragon Bronze Mirror

c. 1850
$3,880 USD
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W: 11.5" D: 4.0" H: 15.0"
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This antique Chinese mirror is cast of bronze in the Tang-dynasty style, with a lobed rim of eight flower petals, each filled with small cloud motifs. The front of the mirror is cast with a sinuous mythical dragon flying amid clouds. A round knob at the center takes the place of the dragon's flaming pearl, an emblem of the sun, of the moon, of balance, and of power. The back is flat and would have been highly polished and coated with mercury or silver for a reflective surface.

Such mirrors were used within the sleeping quarters and were elevated upon wooden mirror stands, often ornately carved and highly decorated. This elegant bronze mirror is dated to the late 19th century and shows its age with pitted wear, minor verdigris oxidation, and a beautiful dark patina. We've elevated this mirror on a custom steel mount for display as a captivating sculptural object.

From the collection of Frances and Gary Comer.

Additional Dimensions:
Mirror: 11.5"W x 11.5"H x 1"D

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Andrea Goldman | Andrea Goldman Design

“Over the years, I’ve incorporated many pieces from PAGODA RED into my designs. Not only can they balance new furnishings (and often new construction) by feeling more established, but the pieces emanate a sense of rich history, often leaving you wondering where they were in a previous life. These beautiful pieces carefully hand-selected by the team at PAGODA RED, coupled with their unbelievable customer service, make them a must-have for any home.”

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